السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
V-aR4 AsusMod for Advan S5H 4.4.2 (BCM23550)
Features of this rom:
- Deodex
- Init.D Aktif
- Rooted
- Interface like Asus Zenfone
- new launcher
- new music player
- new camera
- new file manager
- new gallery
- new calkulator, calender, quick memo flashlight, etc
- new systemui (like Asus)
- new settings
- new bootanimations + boot audio
- new bootsplash
- etc
Bug :
- Di rotex theme dark title folder gak keliatan
- Solusi dengan mengganti theme di menu(recent)/preference/theme/home wallpaper
- untuk kamera tidak ada flashlight nya
- solusi ganti aplikasi kamera :)
- tampilan dialler dan contact masih standart bawaan stockrom jadi kalo ada yang mau nerusin mod silahkan
- di quick setting tombol kamera tidak berfungsi
- yang lainnya cari saja ya masing masing
- Deodex
- Init.D Aktif
- Rooted
- Interface like Asus Zenfone
- new launcher
- new music player
- new camera
- new file manager
- new gallery
- new calkulator, calender, quick memo flashlight, etc
- new systemui (like Asus)
- new settings
- new bootanimations + boot audio
- new bootsplash
- etc
Bug :
- Di rotex theme dark title folder gak keliatan
- Solusi dengan mengganti theme di menu(recent)/preference/theme/home wallpaper
- untuk kamera tidak ada flashlight nya
- solusi ganti aplikasi kamera :)
- tampilan dialler dan contact masih standart bawaan stockrom jadi kalo ada yang mau nerusin mod silahkan
- di quick setting tombol kamera tidak berfungsi
- yang lainnya cari saja ya masing masing
OK langsung aja....
instal via CWM:
#Langkah Sebelum Penginstalan
>>Wipe Data/Factory Reset >>Yes...
>>Wipe Cache Partitions >>Yes..
>>Advance>>Wipe Dalvic Cache>>Yes...
+++++Go Back+++++
>>Mounts And Storage
+++++Go Back+++++
#Langkah Penginstalan
instal via CWM:
#Langkah Sebelum Penginstalan
>>Wipe Data/Factory Reset >>Yes...
>>Wipe Cache Partitions >>Yes..
>>Advance>>Wipe Dalvic Cache>>Yes...
+++++Go Back+++++
>>Mounts And Storage
+++++Go Back+++++
#Langkah Penginstalan
>>instal zip from sdcard
>>choose zip from sdcard >>(link rom td) >>yes akan masuk aroma instaler cukup next....next & finis....
3. reboot system now ( booting pertama agak lama sekitar 5- 7 menit )
instal via twrp:
>>Pilih menu WIPE
>>Centang - Wipe Dalvic,
- Format System,
- Data
- Cache Lalu
- > Swipe
>>Instal Rom Lalu ->
>>choose zip from sdcard >>(link rom td) >>yes akan masuk aroma instaler cukup next....next & finis....
>>pilih wipe dalvick ->swipe
>>reboot system now ( booting pertama agak lama sekitar 5- 7 menit )
instal via philz :
#Langkah Sebelum Penginstalan
wipe and Format Options>>Factory Reset >>Yes...
>>Wipe Cache>>Yes..
>>Wipe Dalvic Cache>>Yes...
Custom Format Options
+++++Go Back+++++
#Langkah Sebelum Penginstalan
wipe and Format Options>>Factory Reset >>Yes...
>>Wipe Cache>>Yes..
>>Wipe Dalvic Cache>>Yes...
Custom Format Options
+++++Go Back+++++
>>instal zip from sdcard
>>choose zip from sdcard >>(link rom td) >>yes akan masuk aroma instaler cukup next....next & finis....
3. reboot system now ( booting pertama agak lama sekitar 5- 7 menit )
Link :
Spesial Thanks to:
- Allah swt
- Allah swt
- Rasulullah SAW
- My Little Family
- Xda
- Google
- fmd dev
- MAAaDR Blogspot ( guide Batre includ hdpi)
- My Little Family
- Xda
- fmd dev
- MAAaDR Blogspot ( guide Batre includ hdpi)
- Um Moes Leem "S5H"( Masukan-masukannya)
- Um Rama "S5H"( Guide fmd toggle Asus nya )
- Um Adit D'cho-tell "S5J"( Kerjasamanya )
- Um Richard Agust Bramanantyo "S5P( Link Rom Untuk Base )
- Um Arwan "S5J"( Atas Masukan-masukannya )
- Um Ran Ari S5J"( Atas Masukan-masukannya )
- All Admin Advan S5H Kitkat
- All Member Advan S5H JB
- All Grup Broadcom BCM23550
- Um Rama "S5H"( Guide fmd toggle Asus nya )
- Um Adit D'cho-tell "S5J"( Kerjasamanya )
- Um Richard Agust Bramanantyo "S5P( Link Rom Untuk Base )
- Um Arwan "S5J"( Atas Masukan-masukannya )
- Um Ran Ari S5J"( Atas Masukan-masukannya )
- All Admin Advan S5H Kitkat
- All Member Advan S5H JB
- All Grup Broadcom BCM23550
وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
PetraLite om Wempi ... :D
PetraLite om Wempi ... :D
wakwakwak nyodok
Deletebukan nyodok om wempi tp nyalip ala supir alas roban ..
Busyet Alasroban bukannya ada di film horor hahahaha
Deletegan cara masang systemui.apk nya gmn?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePak cara instal System UI nya gimana ?
ReplyDeletePush Manual dengan root explorer,, simpen di system/Priv-app/disini jangan lupa permission rw-r-r
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ReplyDeleteLink system ui nya om perbaiki om....