السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Stockrom deodex Advan S5H 4.4.2 (BCM23550)
Features of this rom:
- Deodex
- Init.D Aktif
- dll
- Deodex
- Init.D Aktif
- dll
OK langsung aja....
instal via CWM:
#Langkah Sebelum Penginstalan
>>Wipe Data/Factory Reset >>Yes...
>>Wipe Cache Partitions >>Yes..
>>Advance>>Wipe Dalvic Cache>>Yes...
+++++Go Back+++++
>>Mounts And Storage
+++++Go Back+++++
#Langkah Penginstalan
instal via CWM:
#Langkah Sebelum Penginstalan
>>Wipe Data/Factory Reset >>Yes...
>>Wipe Cache Partitions >>Yes..
>>Advance>>Wipe Dalvic Cache>>Yes...
+++++Go Back+++++
>>Mounts And Storage
+++++Go Back+++++
#Langkah Penginstalan
>>instal zip from sdcard
>>choose zip from sdcard >>(link rom td) >>yes akan masuk aroma instaler cukup next....next & finis....
3. reboot system now ( booting pertama agak lama sekitar 5- 7 menit )
instal via twrp:
>>Pilih menu WIPE
>>Centang - Wipe Dalvic,
- Format System,
- Data
- Cache Lalu
- > Swipe
>>Instal Rom Lalu ->
>>choose zip from sdcard >>(link rom td) >>yes akan masuk aroma instaler cukup next....next & finis....
>>pilih wipe dalvick ->swipe
>>reboot system now ( booting pertama agak lama sekitar 5- 7 menit )
Link :
Thanks to:
- Allah swt
- Allah swt
- Rasulullah SAW
- My Little Family
- Xda
- Google
- My Little Family
- Xda
- Um Moes Leem "S5H"
- Mba Dianra "S5H"
- Um Arief Fakri "S5P"
- Um Ian Sofyan Sendirian "Mito Fantasy A77"
- Um Richard Agust Bramanantyo "S5P
- Um Arwan "S5J"
- Um Ran Ari S5J"
- Um Faiz Arya Penangsang "Nexian Helios"
- All Admin Advan S5H Kitkat
- All Member Advan S5H Kitkat
- Mba Dianra "S5H"
- Um Arief Fakri "S5P"
- Um Ian Sofyan Sendirian "Mito Fantasy A77"
- Um Richard Agust Bramanantyo "S5P
- Um Arwan "S5J"
- Um Ran Ari S5J"
- Um Faiz Arya Penangsang "Nexian Helios"
- All Admin Advan S5H Kitkat
- All Member Advan S5H Kitkat
وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ